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GTR2 - Having some troubles with the track

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GTR2 - Having some troubles with the track Empty GTR2 - Having some troubles with the track

Post  saturn_driver 9/10/2021, 20:53

Hello. I downloaded Red Rock Valley from the tripptieam archive and i'm having some troubles with it.

When I load Red Rock in the game, I see white grass instead of green.

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I tried to open the track in 3dsimed and I saw nothing but a gray background.

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What am i supposed to do?

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Alexander Golovach

Posts : 16
Join date : 2020-05-22
Age : 19
Location : Russian Federation

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GTR2 - Having some troubles with the track Empty Fix for white grass in simbin tracks

Post  frasie 17/4/2024, 14:50

Hello, I read this ...and will write here how zo fix it... .
This is possible in tracks created with Bobs track builder some times... maybe in older versions of BTB.
You must open the track in 3d Simed. click the Skybox with right mouse. choose hide...(skybox.gmt).
now youn see the racetrack model. right click on the white grass surface, and choose material grass
this open a box,(material edit)
And now you must change the textures in the section (diffuse map T2) and (diffuse map T3)
exemple in T2 there is a (ground grass multi01) and in the T3 is a (ground grass add 01)
You must change the two textures... in T2 kick on (ground grass multi 01) and change it with
(ground grass add 01) serch the texture and click on it... .
now the same in T2, but change the (ground grass add 01) to (ground grass multi 01)
After this ckick OK in the (material edit box) and its done.
Now export the grass gmt s...ta01. ta02 ta03 ta04 ....ecc. ...all the ta.gmt and replace it
with the same in trackX.gtr file by using the Geditor tool. dont forget to save...!
I hope it helps ....and sorry for my bad english. Cheers Franky


Posts : 1
Join date : 2024-04-17

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